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Neurology Gastroenterology Hormones

22nd International TAO Congress

25. - 27. September 2025 | Graz

Dr. med. Ilias CHRISTIDIS

founder and owner of the „Private practice for internal medicine, acupuncture and hypnoacupuncture“ in Graz.

Education and training: Doctor of medicine, University of Graz, Austria; Residency in Internal Medicine, state Hospital Knittelfeld Styria Austria

Personal skills: general practitioner, specialist for internal medicine; acupuncture specialist

Licenses and certifications: Echocardiography diploma of the Austrian Society of Cardiology; Austrian medical chamber diploma for continuing medical education; Austrian medical chamber emergency medical diploma; Austrian medical chamber acupuncture diploma; Hypnoacupuncture diploma; European acupuncture diploma; Diploma of the Austrian association for controlled acupuncture for physicians with large extent on practical experience; Intensive involvement with medical hypnosis and hypnoacupuncture.




Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Kontrollierte Akupunktur und TCM

Glacisstraße 7 | A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 374050

Unterstützt von:
Regin Graz
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