Univ.Prof. PD Dr. Peter Panhofer discovered his enthusiasm for the holistic approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) during his medical studies and remained committed to it throughout his surgical training. After comprehensive TCM qualifications (acupuncture, Qi Gong, herbal therapy) and a study stay in Chengdu (focusing on oncology), he has been teaching at MedChin and the Austrian Society for Acupuncture (ÖGA) since 2010. Since 2019, he has held a professorship in Complementary Medicine at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, where he teaches Integrative Medicine.
With overweight and metabolic syndrome on the rise worldwide, he advocates an integrative concept combining Chinese and orthomolecular medicine as well as tailored nutrition. His goal is to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western practices and between complementary and conventional medicine—where tradition meets innovation.